Saturday, January 10, 2015

Boys will be boys.

Let's just face it; there are quite a few things that will just make life with your husband easier. Well, life with men in general I suppose. If you're a daughter, wife, mother, cousin- any female- you can make a man in your life happy with just a few things.

For the life of me, I'll never figure out WHY these things are important, but I know they are. 

1. A recliner
Wait. Not just any recliner. A good recliner. A comfortable recliner. A recliner that he can sit in after a long, hard days work and just ahhhhh. So it can't be any recliner, you see. It has to be THE recliner. Also..

2. Said recliner should sit within line of sight of the T.V. at just the right angle to which he doesn't have to move to watch T.V.
I happen to know for a fact that Cory isn't the only man who wants to be able to watch TV with little to no trouble. Several of my female friends have attested to the fact that their men, too, like to be lined up with the TV. Universally, men expect their comfy recliner and beloved television to line up so that they will not have to twist and turn their necks, ultimately leading to a trip to the chiropractor, a crick in their neck.. or whatever.

3. A trash receptacle close to their precious recliner..
So close, in fact, that it is not necessary to actually get up to throw anything away. It doesn't matter that there is a trash can in the kitchen, ten feet away, or one in every bathroom. Nope, who cares? Said trash can needs to be right there beside him. Otherwise, trash will pile up beside aforementioned recliner. And it will probably annoy you. But it just makes sense; if he doesn't want to turn his neck to watch TV, why would he want to stand up to throw trash away? See, that cleared things up, right? 

4. Toys
Yes, you read that correctly. My mom used to tell me that boys never really grow up; they just get bigger. And bigger boys want bigger toys. SO true. Forget Hot Wheels and toy trains; now they need a new X-Box (thankfully Cory isn't a gamer), a Jeep (not because they actually need a vehicle; no, a Jeep to just play in), guns, guns and more guns, and in Cory's case, WORK TOYS. Also known as a new skidder. When I heard that it was a few thousand short of what we actually paid for our house, I wished he was a gamer. 

Photographic evidence:

5. A stash of candy within reach
Okay, that could just be Cory.. I'm not sure. But he likes to use the really cute toolbox that I put beside his chair for the remote and such, as a miniature kitchen. Ding dongs, Twinkies, Star Crunch, Starburst, Gummy Worms; you name it. It doesn't matter that we actually have a kitchen. Hey, if they don't like to stand to throw trash away... you got it. Why would they want stand to go get food? It just really does make sense.

There's more. There's so much more. But these things: comfortable recliners lined up correctly with the TV, trash cans close to recliners, big, big toys, and candy-lots of it- close by. 

Hook your husband up with these simple things, and his life will be much happier. And much simpler.. which also leads to happiness for him.  :)

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